CLI Related Concepts

SEIE, Soochow University

Week 07, 2015-2016-1


Network Layer

Layer Addressing

  • Ports
  • IP (Internet Protocol) Addresses
  • MAC



IPv4 and IPv6

  • IPv4: 32-bits
  • IPv6: 128-bits
IP address ->        172  .    16  .    31  .      46
Bit format ->     10101100.00010000.00011111.00101110
netmask    ->        255  .    255 .   254  .      0
CID form   ->

IP Address Allocation

  • static/Manual
  • Automatic
    • DHCP or DHCPv6
    • stateless autoconfiguration
  • link local
    • fe80::/64

Name Resolution

  • Domain Name to IP address
  • Domain Name System (DNS)
  • Client utils: host and dig; /etc/resolv.conf

Network Interfaces

  • List network interface card (NIC) info: ifconfig
  • Linux ip utilties: ip link; ip addr; ip route ...
  • ping
  • route; traceroute
  • netstat

Network Applications

  • wget; curl
  • ssh; scp

Hash function

Hash function

  • Function to map any size data to data of fixed size
  • Return hashes/hash values/hash sums
  • Search; Data integrity; Cryptography
  • checksums, fingerprints

Cryptographic hash function

  • one-way Hash functions
  • Practically impossible to invert, get input data from hashes
  • Hashes uniquely identifies original data: fingerprint

Common hash functions

  • MD5
  • SHA-1
  • SHA-256; SHA-512
  • SHA-224; SHA-384

Backus-Naur Form

ls [OPTION]... [FILE]...
host [-aCdlnrsTwv] [-c class] [-N ndots] [-R number] [-t type]
        [-W wait] [-m flag] [-4] [-6] {name} [server]
stone [-C <file>] [-P <command>] [-Q <options>] [-N] [-d] [-p] [-n]
      [-u <max>] [-f <n>] [-l] [-L <file>] [-a <file>] [-i <file>]
      [-X <n>] [-T <n>] [-A <n>] [-r]
      [-x <port>[,<port>][-<port>]... <xhost>... --]
      [-s <send> <expect>... --]
      [-b [<var>=<val>]... <n> <master>:<port> <backup>:<port>]
      [-B <host>:<port> <host1>:<port1>... --]
      [-I <host>]
      [-o <n>] [-g <n>] [-t <dir>] [-D] [-c <dir>]
      [-q <SSL>] [-z <SSL>]
      [-M install <name>] [-M remove <name>]
      <st> [-- <st>]...   


  • Notation techniques to describe syntax
  • Extended Backus-Naur Form (EBNF), ISO/IEC 14977
  • BNF and EBNF

Regular Expression

Regular Expression

Sequence of characters define a search pattern, string matching.

Found in text editors, text processing utilities and programming languages.

  • ^[ \t]+|[ \t]+$
  • ^[+-]?(\d+(\.\d+)?|\.\d+)([eE][+-]?\d+)?$
  • IEEE POSIX standard: BRE (Basic), ERE (Extended)
  • PCRE (Perl Compatible Regular Expressions)
  • Regular Expressions