CLI Related Concepts

SEIE, Soochow University

Week 06, 2015-2016-1

Basic Operations

Login and Out

  • hostname and pwd
  • Local
  • Remote via SSH


  • Absolute pathname start with /, whole tree
  • Relative pathname starts from present working directory
  • Showcase...


Standard File Streams

Three file streams (descriptors) related excuting commands.

  • stdin (0)
  • stdout (1)
  • stderr (2)

I/O Redirection

  • change stdin to a file: command < input-file
  • change stdout to a file: command > output-file
  • change stderr to a file: command 2> error-file


  • Link stdout of a command to the stdin of another command
  • command1 | command2 | command3

Wildcards and Filename Matching

  • ? matches any single character
  • * matches any string
  • [set] matches any character in the set. [adf]
  • [!set] matches any characer not in the set.


Filesystem Architecture

  • /proc proc filesystem
  • /home user home directory under here. /root is root's home
  • /bin, /usr/bin, /usr/local/bin for commands
  • /sbin, /usr/sbin, /usr/local/sbin for administration commands
  • /dev/ contains device nodes
  • /var files changes when running
    • /var/log system log files
    • /var/lib packages and database files
  • /etc for system configuration files
  • /boot for essential files to boot system
  • /lib libraries for /bin and /sbin
  • More from Filesystem Hierarchy Standard (FHS)

User Environment


  • User info. /etc/passwd
  • Group info. /etc/group
  • Unique user ID (uid) and group ID (gid)
  • bash maybe customed by ~/.bashrc

Environment Variables

  • Named quantities have values understood by shell.
  • set, env, export, setenv
  • echo $SHELL to show a variable
  • export VARIABLE=value to export a new variable value

Some Variables

  • HOME represents home directory, same as ~
  • PATH directories to scanning comands


  • Most often placed in ~/.bashrc
  • alias to show
  • alias rm='rm -i'

File Permissions

  • chown, chgrp, chmod
  • ls -l to show
rwx: rwx: rwx
 u:   g:   o
  • File ACL (getfacl and setfacl)
  • SELinux, Role Based Access Controls



  • An instance of one or more related tasks (threads) excuting.
  • With isolated addressing space
    • e.g. Addressing global variables in C programs

Process Types

  • Interactive Processes
  • Batch Processes
  • Daemons
  • Threads
  • Kernel Threads

Process Scheduling and States

  • Prcoesses are scheduled by a scheduler. sharing time slices according to priority
  • running (run queue per core)
  • sleep (wait queue when waiting something)
  • zombie (is terminating, child process completes but parent process has not asked its state)

Process and Thread IDs

  • Prcoess ID (PID)
  • Parent Process ID (PPID)
  • Thread ID (TID)
  • RUID (real UID) and EUID (Effective EUID)
  • RGID and EGID


  • priority is set by a nice value or niceness
  • Low values have higher priorities

Next Week

  • Network fundamentals
  • Extended Backus-Naur Form (EBNF) 扩展 巴科斯-瑙尔范式(BNF)
  • Regular expression 正则表达式