CLI Operations (Continued)

SEIE, Soochow University

Week 04, 2015-2016-1

Report Q&A


  • What
  • How
  • Get Help
  • To Help


  • Edit *.md sources
    • on local host or remote
  • make to get output
  • exit NOT close the window
  • Copy report.pdf to local host
  • Send it

Online Posts

  • Using the same basic Markdown syntax
  • For further hard-copy ready

Markdown commons

  • A space between English and Chinese
  • Punctuations
  • Paragraphs separated by blank line
  • Line breaks by 2 spaces or \ ending
  • No indentation
  • Indentations and spaces
  • Numbered list: 3. blabla (The space!)
Para1 line1 汉字内容。
欢迎来到 Suzhou, the end. Another sentence.

Para2 line1  
para2 line2
para2 line3\
para2 line4

Para1 line1 汉字内容。 欢迎来到 Suzhou, the end. Another sentence.

Para2 line1
para2 line2 para2 line3
para2 line4

Code blocks

Screen inputs and outputs

  • 4 spaces indentation
  • Fenced code blocks
    • wrapped within ``` or ~~~


This is a normal paragraph:

    This is a code block.


This is a normal paragraph:

This is a code block.


Here's an example:

function test() {
  console.log("notice the blank line before this function?");


Here's an example:

function test() {
  console.log("notice the blank line before this function?");

Inline Codes

  • Inline codes wrapped within `

    By executing `./ week04 &`, We get ...
  • By executing ./ week04 &, We get ...

Grades and Credits


  • Lab reports - 45%
  • Community posts - 25%
  • Projects - 20%
  • Overall performance - 10%


  • Week 04 ~ 07: Commands operations
  • Week 08: Editors Basic (Vi)
  • Week 09 ~ 10: Shell scripting programming
  • Week 11 ~ 13: Linux C programming basics
  • Week 13 through week 17: projects (Full weekends)

Commands Operations


  • Introduction to Linux (
  • 鸟哥的 Linux 私房菜
  • Linux Bible
  • Linux Fundamentals
  • 快乐的 Linux 命令行

Commands Deeper

And related concepts. Week 04 ~ Week 07:

man; info; help; shutdown; halt; poweroff; reboot; which; whereis;
whatis; pwd; cd; ls; tree; ln; <; >; &; |; locate; find; grep; ?; *;
mount; diff; patch; file; cp; rsync; gzip; bzip2; xz; zip; tar; dd; who;
whoami; id; groups; set; env; export; echo; sleep; history; alias;
chmod; passwd; sftp; ssh; scp; smbclient; cat; tac; more; less; sort;
uniq; comm; paste; join; split; fgrep; tr; tee; wc; cut; head; tail;
strings; ps; top; kill; pstree; w; uptime; bg; fg; jobs; at; crontab;
date; time; sync; mkdir; rmdir; rm; mv; rename; nl; od; touch; df; du;
compress; type; unset; unalias; umask; sed; awk; ifconfig; ip addr; ip
route; ping; traceroute; netstat; lynx; wget; curl; lftp;